This entire series I’ve written favorably about what I thought was a well conceived 13 episodes. Doctor Who (the new shows at least) has never been better. From the first story to the last three part adventure I have sit in my seat with anticipation. With Utopia Russell T. Davies began the return of the Master, using sound bites from previous incarnations and tapping into a vast history between the evil Time-Lord and the Doctor. I can go as far as to say it was as ambitious as when JNT brought back the Master in the early 80’s, but with a bit more flair. In “the Sound of Drums” we not only see the evil of this new regeneration, but we see just how and why the Master becomes the evil twisted man we have all grown to love. The vast landscape of Gallifrey when the Doctor spoke of the long dead world brought a tear in my eyes and a chill up my spine. Finally with “The Last of the Time-Lords” we are sadly treated to a loosely written badly conceived story that had no heart and it was clear that RTD had no idea where to go with his story. I know you might be shocked by that statement (since I raved about it all year) but RTD seemed lost, without focus and didn’t seem to give us his best effort. Don’t get me wrong, the acting was, as always remarkable and the music was breathtaking. But in the end I felt cheated. The Master is Dead (or is he?) Martha is gone and Captain Jack may be the Face of Boe? But with one bad episode in a remarkable season I can’t complain. The only real highlight to this episode was the ending. All aboard the Titanic for the next Christmas special. I can’t wait.
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