Battlestar Galactica may be heading into it's final season, but Sci Fi Channel is using every opportunity to create more content based on the series. They've announced a series of eight new 2-3 minute mini-episodes leading up to the November 24 premiere of the series. The shorts will follow a young William Adama (Nino Cortez) as a pilot in the fleet. He discovers a Cylon weapon that will reappear in the context of the regular series, which is set 40 years later. The season premiere, "Razor," follows Adama's son Lee (Jamie Bamber) on his first mission as commander of the Battlestar Pegasus...
Other new genre shows for the fall include The Awesomes, an animated series following a family of washed out superheroes; Going Homer, a futuristic mini-series starring Farscape's Ben Browder; a half-hour series based on Francis Stokes' popular web series God, Inc.; an original new drama series, also developed by Stoke, about time travel; and an untitled miniseries from Thomas Jane and Steve Niles set on a faraway planet. Alternative programming includes gameshow Run for Money, which has cash-seeking contestants pitted against a group of people hunters; Brain Trust, which follows a Mensa swat team as they come up with complicated solutions for every-day tasks; What Can't It Do tests ordinary products in extreme situations; and UFO Hunters sends teams to investigate UFO sightings and other potentially alien phenomena.
The network is also launching more web content, including a 10-episodes series of Farscape shorts. They'll also be offering Sci Fi Tech as part of their technology blog, and Invent This!, which showcases oddball inventions.
Noticeably missing from any announcement is the fate of The Dresden Files. The show stars Paul Blackthorne as a Chicago-based wizard who solves supernatural crimes, and while there hasn't been any announcement of a cancellation, the future of the show is not looking good at this late time.
1 comment:
The fans of the Dresden Files are currently waging a "Just Renew It" campaign for the Dresden Files (TDF). As of today, we have comments from TPTB (the powers that be) at SciFi that a decision concerning the renewal of the show has not been made. We're asking for everyone's help in getting TDF renewed!! Please go to for contact information and strategy!! JUST RENEW IT, SciFi!!!
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