Monday, August 13, 2007

The Hobbit

According to a story in the LA Times, New Line co-chairman Robert Shaye said that he has been quietly trying to mend fences with LORD OF THE RINGS director Peter Jackson. When asked if it was true that company insiders had been in talks with Jackson's representatives, Shaye told the newspaper: "Yes, that's a fair statement. Notwithstanding our personal quarrels, I really respect and admire Peter and would love for him to be creatively involved in some way in The Hobbit." Jackson withdrew his name from consideration for helming the Rings prequel movie in the wake of Jackson's lawsuit against New Line over Rings profits. That prompted Shaye to tell SCI FI Wire in January, "I do not want to make a movie with somebody who is suing me. It will never happen during my watch." But Shaye's latest admission suggests that New Line is eager to get The Hobbit going again with Jackson

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