Thursday, November 15, 2007

Daleks and More Daleks on DVD.

North America will see an invasion from the Daleks on March 4th 2008 with the release of Destiny of the Daleks staring Tom Baker and Lalla Ward (Her first outing as Romana.) The single disk will have commentary by Lalla Ward and David Gooderson and director Tim Grieve a featurette about creator of the Daleks Terry Nation and another called "Directing Who" plus an option to watch new CGI effects. ($24.98)
Also on that date, the BBC and Warner home video will be releasing Remembrance of the Daleks "the special edition". Although this episode has been released before it was found that the region 2 release was missing some key effects from the first two parts. So it was cleaned up, re-released in the UK and also in North America. There will also be new special features added, (Remembrances and Back to School) along with the original features from the previous release. ($24.98)

If that wasn't enough, the fore mentioned DVD's will be released in a Davros Box set, containing all the Davros stories including those already on DVD in North America, they include: Genesis of the Daleks - Resurrection of the Daleks. All five Davros stories, including the remembrance special edition 8 disks for $99.98

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