Meanwhile, due to the inability to locate the Prime Minister and with gridlock around London, MP Joseph Green, a large, flatulent man and a Chair of a DEFRA committee, is instated as the acting Prime Minister by Indra Ganesh, a Junior Secretary with the Ministry of Defence. Ganesh gives Green the emergency protocols for dealing with an extraterrestrial encounter, and introduces him to Margaret Blaine of MI5 and Oliver Charles, an MP who is a Parliamentary Liaison at the Department of Transport. Ganesh leaves the trio alone, who begin to laughing among themselves. Harriet Jones, a backbench MP, attempts to deliver a report to the trio, but ends up overhearing General Asquith complaining to Green of his inactivity. The three think it a joke, passing gas as they laugh, then begin to unzip their heads, revealing a blue light, causing the General to scream. General Asquith is killed, the being occupying Charles now using the General's appearance as its own.
As Rose tries to tell Mickie and Jackie about where she had been for the last year and that the Doctor is her friend, the TARDIS rematerializes back at the flats. The Doctor explains to Rose and Mickey that the alien crash was all faked, and that the ship was actually launched from Earth, meaning that whomever launched it has been on Earth for some time, while Jackie calls the Emergency Alien Hotline to report the Doctor as an alien. Jackie's call triggers a "Code 9" alert; when the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey leave the TARDIS, they are surrounded by soldiers, but while Mickey is able to escape, the Doctor and Rose are escorted to 10 Downing Street. There, they find several other alien experts, including those from the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, gathered to decide on humanity's course of action. While the Doctor is asked to be a part of the meeting, Rose is not, though Harriet Jones offers to keep an eye on her. Harriet shows Rose the empty skin of Oliver Charles, and on further investigation, they find the dead body of the Prime Minister, which they tell Ganesh about. However, Blaine blocks their exit and begins to unzip her head. Simultaneously, police inspector Strickland who has been talking to Jackie after the Doctor was captured, begins to do the same. In the meeting room, General Asquith also unzips his head, and reveals himself as the alien Slitheen, while Green sends an deadly electrical shock through all the alien experts, including the Doctor. The episodes ends in a cliffhanger into "World War Three".
Doctor Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor)
Companion Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)
Guest stars
Camille Coduri — Jackie Tyler
Corey Doabe — Spray Painter
Ceris Jones — Policeman
Jack Tarlton — Reporter
Lachele Carl — Reporter
Fiesta Mei Ling — Ru
Basil Chung — Bau
Matt Baker — Himself
Andrew Marr — Himself
Rupert Vansittart — General Asquith
David Verrey — Joseph Green
Navin Chowdhry — Indra Ganesh
Penelope Wilton — Harriet Jones
Annette Badland — Margaret Blaine
Naoko Mori — Doctor Sato
Eric Potts — Oliver Charles
Noel Clarke — Mickey Smith
Jimmy Vee Space Pig
Steve Spiers — Strickland
Elizabeth Fost, Paul Kasey, Alan Ruscoe — Slitheen
Writer Russell T. Davies
Director Keith Boak
Script editor Elwen Rowlands
Producer Phil Collinson
Executive producer(s) Russell T. Davies
Julie Gardner
Mal Young
Production code 1.4
Series Series 1
Length 1 of 2 episodes, 45 mins
Originally broadcast April 16, 2005
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