Jack asks the Doctor over the radio how long until the Delta Wave is ready, but the transmission is intercepted by the Dalek Emperor, who notes that the Wave will be powerful enough to wipe out all species — Dalek or human — nearby, including the whole of the Earth. The Doctor is prepared for that sacrifice in order to wipe out the threat of the Daleks on the rest of the universe, noting that human colonies exist and the human race will still live on. As the Daleks commence their attack on the Station, the defenders coordinate with Lynda, set up in a secured observation room, to monitor their approach. They enter at Floor 494, and break through the first line of defenses, the bastic bullets ineffective, heading upwards to Floor 500 while systematically wiping out the remaining human survivors on the lower floors. Several other defensive barriers, including the "Anne Droid", prove ineffective, and even as Jack takes charge at the last stand on Floor 499 to disable one Dalek, he and the other defenders are killed as the Dalek move up to the control floor. Lynda herself is killed when a Dalek blasts out the observation window and exposes her to the vacuum of space.
As Rose is taken back to the 21st century, a holographic message from the Doctor explains that this was an emergency program, necessary to save both Rose as well as to prevent the TARDIS' technology from falling into the Dalek's hands, in the event of the Doctor's likely death. The TARDIS lands near Jackie Tyler's council estate, and Mickey comes running when he hears the sound. Rose is in tears, as she cannot get the TARDIS to respond her as to make it go back to save the Doctor. Jackie soon joins Mickey in trying consul Rose and to have her get on with her life, but she refuses. As she looks around, Rose sees the words "Bad Wolf" all around the area where the TARDIS is and realizes it is a message to her to try to save the Doctor. Rose notes that the Heart of the TARDIS is telepathic, and if she can look into it, she may be able to get the TARDIS to take her back. Rose and Mickey try by hand and then by trying to pull the Heart open using Mickey's car, but with no luck. Jackie asks Rose to give it up, but Rose refuses, reminded by her father Pete, and reveals to Jackie that she was there on the fateful day that Pete died. Jackie, recognizing her devotion, goes and pulls a favor with a local friend that has a heavy-duty recovery vehicle, bringing it back to the TARDIS. With it, they are able to pull the covering off the Heart of the TARDIS, and as Rose looks into it, overtaken with its light, the TARDIS doors slam close on Mickey and Jackie, and it dematerializes.
On the Game Station, the Daleks have broken into Floor 500 just as the Doctor is ready to activate the Delta Wave. However, he cannot bring himself to pull the switch, as the Dalek Emperor taunts him he would be the "great exterminator". As the Doctor surrenders, the TARDIS rematerializes behind him, and Rose, filled with the light of the time vortex emerges. The Daleks try to fire on her, but she repulses their attacks. Rose tells the Doctor that she is the "Bad Wolf" and that to lead herself to this point, she spreads the name "Bad Wolf" throughout time and space. Then, to make sure the Doctor is safe, she waves a hand causing all the Daleks, on the station, their fleet, and on earth, to disintegrate into component atoms, ending the Dalek threat and the Time War. Rose realizes she has god-like powers, but cannot let go of them, and, unseen, brings Jack back to life. However, the power is consuming Rose's body, and to stop it, the Doctor takes Rose into his arms and kisses her, taking in the Vortex energy into his body, then takes her unconscious body back into the TARDIS, where he returns the Vortex energy back into the Heart. As Jack returns to Floor 500, he sees the TARDIS dematerializing without him.
Rose awakens on the TARDIS to find the Doctor in pain; the Vortex energy is destroying every cell in his body. He explains that he is not dying, but will be regenerating so while they may still continue to travel, this incarnation will never see Rose again. The Doctor tells Rose that she was "fantastic", then after a pause, he claims he was too, moments before energy courses through his body. The Doctor's features change into the next incarnation, who takes a moment to reorient himself to his new body, then offers to take Rose on her next adventure to the planet Barcelona.
The TARDIS crew face the Dalek Emperor, and his army.
Doctor Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor)
David Tennant (Tenth Doctor)
Companions Billie Piper (Rose Tyler)
John Barrowman (Jack Harkness)
Writer Russell T Davies
Director Joe Ahearne
Script editor Helen Raynor
Producer Phil Collinson
Executive producer(s) Russell T. Davies
Julie Gardner
Mal Young
Production code 1.13
Series Series 1
Length 2 of 2 episodes, 45 mins
Originally broadcast June 18, 2005
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