Jano’s response is to have the Doctor himself subjected to the energy transfer process. The Doctor is put into the transfer device and his life force is channelled into the Elder Jano, who desires his intelligence. Yet the plan backfires when the Doctor's personality takes over Jano, imbuing him with the Doctor’s mannerisms, outlook and morality. The two identities cause Jano a personality crisis. Dodo and Steven have meanwhile ventured outside the city and made contact with the savage leaders Chal and Tor, who are respectively pleased and antagonised by their presence. The savages are the remnants of a once highly skilled and artistic race, but over the centuries the energy transfer process has stymied their creativity and ability. Chal hides the two fugitives in a deep cave system, pursued by the guard Exorse, whom Steven overpowers. They return to the city and find a weak but determined Doctor, and help him escape the city.
The time travellers now help the Savages fight back against the Elder guards. The Doctor realises that the Elders must be forced, not persuaded, to change their ways as their whole civilisation must change overnight. His mixed personality convinces Jano to help the Savages and he tries to convince the other Elders to treat the Savages as equals, while Exorse too has realised the error of his ways. Jano and Exorse begin the destruction of the technology underpinning the society and are soon joined in the destruction by the Doctor, Steven and Dodo. The end of the technology means the end of the oppression, and Jano and Chal begin to talk of how a new society can be built together. The Doctor surprises Steven by convincing him to remain behind as a mediator. When both sides agree to accept Steven's decision, he decides to stay. The Doctor and a saddened Dodo bid their friend goodbye.
Doctor William Hartnell (First Doctor)
Companions Peter Purves (Steven Taylor)
Jackie Lane (Dodo Chaplet)
Guest stars
Frederick Jaeger — Jano
Norman Henry — Senta
Patrick Godfrey — Tor
Ewen Solon — Chal
Peter Thomas — Captain Edal
Geoffrey Frederick — Exorse
Robert Sidaway — Avon
Kay Patrick — Flower
Clare Jenkins — Nanina
Edward Caddick — Wylda
Andrew Lodge, Christopher Denham, Tony Holland — Assistants
John Dillon — Savage
Tim Goodman — Guard
Writer Ian Stuart Black
Director Christopher Barry
Script editor Gerry Davis
Producer Innes Lloyd
Executive producer(s) None
Production code AA
Series Season 3
Length 4 episodes, 25 minutes each
Episode(s) missing All 4 episodes
Originally broadcast May 28–June 18, 1966
source: wikipedia
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