Writer Malcolm Hulke
Publisher Target Books
Cover artist Chris Achilleos
ISBN ISBN 0 426 10292 4
Release date 17 January 1974
A novelisation of this serial, written by Malcolm Hulke, was published by Target Books in January 1974 under the title Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters. In this adaptation, the Silurians were given names like Morka, Okdel and K'to. The novelisation gives extensive background to the reptile culture, including a prologue featuring their hibernation beginning. Large parts of the novelisation are told from the reptiles' point of view and there is an extensive back story given to several characters including Quinn and Major Baker. The novelisation avoids referring to the reptiles as Silurians ( the word turns up as a UNIT password ) but identifies the dinosaur in the caves as a tyrannosaurus rex. The novelisation was also translated into Dutch, Finnish, Japanese and Portuguese. An unabridged reading of the novelisation by actress Caroline John was released on CD in September 2007 by BBC Audiobooks.
The Finnish translation, Tohtori KUKA ja luolahirviöt, was published by the Weilin & Göös
source: wikipedia
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