Thursday, March 25, 2010

DVD's Arriving in July

From & Radio North America will get five Doctor Who stories on DVD July 6th.

The Space Museum/The Chase set represents the William Hartnell era. As noted in our interview with Steve Manfred on Radio Free Skaro #184, the scene containing The Beatles’ performance of “Ticket To Ride” will be excised from all DVD versions outside of Europe.

Also due out are the three stories included in the UK “Myths and Legends” box set, but sold separately in North America: The Time Monster, Underworld, and The Horns of Nimon.

1 comment:

Philip Marlowe said...

While I'm always thrilled at a Baker release, I still pine for "Terror of the Zygons", "The Seeds of Doom", and "The Sunmakers."

And "The Time Monster" with Ingrid Pitt...ooh la la!